Friday, March 07, 2008

Generate Electricity With Each Flush


You know there's a green revolution going on when you hear that not just the person sitting on top, but the toilets themselves will be generating power. Personally, I'm excited to see so much innovation in this area. It seems that everyone's catching on that solving our energy problems requires diverse approaches.

from "Energy Generating Turbine Toilet: Poop Saves the Planet: If the Benkatine Turbine by Leviathan Energy finds its way into homes, your bowel movements will be able to help generate free electricity. Using the same technology found in other hydroelectric devices, the Benkatine turbine uses the water that passes through the pipes in your home to produce power. According to the company, that means you could make use of the water flowing from any number of sources—including your gutter drains. It is a simple idea, but simple ideas are often the most useful. Plus, you pass off your excessive drinking and overeating as your little way of helping the environment."

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